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How Fleur East Stays In Shape?

In the dynamic entertainment world, where appearances often take precedence, Fleur East stands out as a beacon of holistic health and fitness. Beyond the glitz and glamour, East's commitment to maintaining a well-balanced lifestyle and a sculpted physique is not merely a seasonal endeavor but an ingrained part of her daily existence. In this in-depth exploration, we unravel the layers of Fleur East's fitness philosophy—a philosophy that extends far beyond the pursuit of a perfect aesthetic and delves into the realms of sustainable well-being.

Healthy Approach

Fleur East emphasizes the importance of adopting a holistic approach to fitness, dismissing crash diets and short-lived intense workouts. For her, staying in shape is about incorporating exercise into her daily routine and making it a fundamental part of her lifestyle. She believes that the motivation behind fitness should go beyond merely trying to achieve a specific physical appearance, focusing instead on overall well-being.

"I don't think if you're purely trying to look a certain way that that should be your primary motivation, it should be something that's part of an all-round lifestyle rather than crash diets or just one month of intense and then the rest of the year nothing else," she told HelloMagazine.

Her exercise routine combines choreography, circuit training in the gym, cardio, and weight training. Recently, she has added reformer classes to her repertoire, challenging herself with diverse workouts to keep things interesting and effective.

Balanced Diet

In addition to her commitment to regular exercise, Fleur East maintains a balanced and healthy diet. While she doesn't strictly follow a particular diet plan, she prioritizes nutrient-rich foods, focusing on vegetables. She believes in enjoying treats occasionally and doesn't believe in deprivation. East is fond of healthy foods like grilled chicken, salad, and fish.

"I tend to eat healthy anyway, and every now and then I'll have a treat day where I'll have a pizza or something, every now and then. I don't deprive myself, but then to be honest I think I'm quite lucky in that I don't crave those things very often; I actually really like healthy food," she shares.

East becomes more mindful of her diet when she's on the road due to the challenges of maintaining a healthy eating schedule during busy times. She opts for lighter meals on performance days to ensure she feels energized without being weighed down.

Regular Exercise for Mental Health

Fleur East recognizes the significant impact of exercise on her mental health. She attests that maintaining a consistent exercise routine has been crucial in combating feelings of low energy and helping her stay focused. "Exercise is so important for my mental health, I’ve found that whenever I have felt quite low it was when I let my exercise routine slip," she notes.

She particularly enjoys AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible) HIIT workouts for their efficiency in delivering a high-intensity session quickly. East emphasizes that her motivation for exercise is more about how she feels rather than achieving a specific body image.

Low on Cardio, High on Weights

Unlike her earlier emphasis on cardio workouts, Fleur East has shifted her focus towards weight training. Acknowledging the misconception that lifting weights will make women bulk up, East dispels this myth, emphasizing that weight training promotes lean muscle when combined with a proper diet.

"Everything I had done before was cardio-driven," she states. "With weights, I started seeing different results – I was more toned than I'd ever been and I felt stronger." She proudly mentions her ability to squat 80kg, highlighting the positive impact of weight training on her physique.

At-Home Workouts

Fleur East is a fan of at-home workout videos, appreciating the convenience and effectiveness of exercising within the comfort of her living room. She has tried various workout programs, including Insanity, Jillian Michaels' The Shred, Les Mills on Demand, and Joe Wicks's YouTube workouts.

"One of my good friends is the PT Kyle Maslen – we used to train together all the time so I have learned so much from everyone I've trained with and home workout videos," she shares. East values the diversity of workouts available at home, ranging from 15-minute ab sessions to high-intensity interval training (HIIT) sessions.

She also enjoys mixing up her routine with gym classes, including circuits, spin, and yoga vinyasa flow, showcasing her commitment to keeping her workouts exciting and challenging.

The Bottom Line

Fleur East's approach to staying in shape is a testament to the idea that fitness is not a one-size-fits-all endeavor. Her holistic lifestyle, balanced diet, diverse exercise routine, and emphasis on mental well-being present a model that goes beyond physical appearance. By dispelling common myths about weight training for women and embracing various workout options, Fleur East inspires a well-rounded and sustainable approach to health and fitness. Ultimately, her journey reflects the importance of finding joy and making fitness integral to a fulfilling and balanced life.



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